Extending Rasa

Extending Rasa

Developing a custom Rasa NLU component, channel, or policy is straightforward.

In the project you created with botfront init you will find a rasa folder containing the material needed to build your Rasa image. When you run botfront up, the Rasa image used is built from this folder.

Example: custom NLU component

We provided you with an exemple of custom NLU component. Look for the ignore_sample_component.py file in the rasa folder. All this component does is adding a field called it_works to the NLU results. Let's use it:

  1. Start your project botfront up and run botfront watch. This will watch the rasa and actions folders for changes and rebuild/restart the images when necessary so every change you make will be reloaded automatically.
  2. Rename ignore_sample_component.py to sample_component.py (the watcher ignores files containing ignore). Botfront will rebuild and restart the Rasa image with your extensions installed as a pip package.
  3. Go to NLU -> Settings -> Pipeline and add you new component:
- name: sample_component.SampleComponent
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer
  1. Train
  2. Head to the API tab and observe the result, it_works :)
"intent": {
"name": "chitchat.greet",
"confidence": 0.9417732358
"entities": [],
"language": "en",
"it_works": true, // It just works
"intent_ranking": [
"name": "chitchat.greet",
"confidence": 0.9417732358
"name": "chitchat.bye",
"confidence": 0.0582267493
"text": "hello"

That's it. Creating a custom connector or core policy works exactly the same.